Daffodil Picnic Épernay Essentials
April 24, 2017Whether you are trekking to ‘Sconset for the Ultimate Daffy Lounge or heading for some family entertainment in the Brant Point neighborhood, the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce’s annual Daffodil Festival Weekend is host to an array of activities for enjoyment by all ages. Advanced Sommelier Jenny Benzie offers a peek into what you should have packed in your picnic basket, no matter where the party might lead you.
The entire island is covered with a plethora of picturesque, brilliant daffodil blooms. What better way to celebrate this sign that spring has arrived (and winter is over!) than with a bottle of bubbly? Champagne Veuve Clicquot easily flows like water through the cobblestones of downtown Nantucket this time of year. Consumers can identify this bottle by its brightly colored, trademarked ‘Yellow Label.’ Keep yours chilled and fashionable at the same time by receiving a FREE matching Champagne Bottle Cover with the purchase of any bottle of Veuve Clicquot this Daffy weekend (and while supplies last)!
A fun, festive holiday weekend such as this calls for brightly colored outfits, crazy hats and wildly themed tailgate parties on the streets of ‘Sconset. Why not have your beverage (and its packaging) be part of the celebration as well? Sip local by enjoying Cisco Brewers’ ‘Summer of Lager,’ available in bright green cans that might get lost if left in the grassy lawn. This refreshing, satisfying Bohemian style pilsner also has a yellow sunflower image that screams ‘Drink Me Daffy Weekend!”
Have you ever seen the video-gone-viral of some drunk British bloke who ‘opens’ a bottle of wine with his shoe? Avoid being that guy this weekend and practice the Scout Motto of Be Prepared instead. Pulltap’s manufactures the most widely used corkscrews of wine professionals and wine lovers in the world. This easy to use double-lever opener will have your mother-in-law’s Chardonnay open in no time without you suffering from doing the usual cork extraction dance.
Go-GOVINO-Go! Go anywhere on Nantucket in style with a pair of these perfect wine glasses. These not-your-average ‘glasses’ are BPA-free, reusable and shatterproof. This is the first and only unbreakable wine glass of its kind to be so widely accepted by the wine industry. The flexibility of a GOVINO allows you to showcase all sorts of beverages, including beer, bubbles, cocktails, sparkling water and beyond.
You are proactive in your party planning skills to ensure a good time had by all at the main event. Shouldn’t you care about your guests (and yourself) enough to take it a step further and ensure everyone is able and willing to do it all again at Sunday Brunch the next day? Enter RESQ Water. The all-natural ingredients in this beverage help your body to get back on track when consumed while drinking or as your last drink of the night. Celebration should never have to be followed by a day of pain or misery.
Whatever plans you devise for the weekend, most of all don’t forget to stop and smell the rosé… er, I mean flowers!